Thursday, June 09, 2011

One of those cold winter night...

Finally I'm home
It is frigging cold out there today, loved it.
No, seriously. I loved it cold better than hot.
Not so cool with my upset stomach though.

I'll be done with college in 4 weeks.
Can't imagine that I have do it for 3 years!
Gotta miss it when I'm done, although I'm kinda expectant for what's coming next in my life.
I feel like I have to do something already. What's that "something"? I have no idea.
But I'm believing God is before me.

I have had some weird dreams lately.
Not like strange-weird kinda weird... it is just.... weird.
Dreamt on someone who has been absence from my world/dreamland for awhile.
It feels so real that as if it was real (??)
Don't worry, there's nothing kinky.
We were just talking, having a good conversations.

I guess that is it.
When you're getting old, you've not much to say.

Live your life to the fullness mate.


  1. I love winter. It is calming and warming mixing in between. :)

  2. yea... it's my 2nd fav time of the 1st fav is autumn.... HAHAHA
