Tuesday, December 30, 2008

年~~ 又过完~~~

因为 - 怕

怕老 (嘿嘿)






那些曾经担忧过的,曾经怀疑过的,曾经流过泪的, 曾经看起来没可能的 -



Saturday, December 20, 2008


... 有梦想就不要放弃


喂~ Kurumi
喂~ Kurumi

超過必要的負擔 讓齒輪一面發出嘎吱的聲響
向前走吧 踏上沒有你的這條路

Monday, December 15, 2008





Friday, December 05, 2008


Have you ever wake up with weird feeling?
Like, weird.
As if there's something bad going to happen OR no reason but feel like crying anyway.
I hate those feeling and i know i'll need to deal with it.
I can't let my feeling take control of me for the rest of the day.
It's mentally exhausting.
Maybe i shouldn't have stay up so late.
It may help if i get back to a NORMAL sleeping habit.

It's so easy to get pessimistic especially when you are all alone.

Look up.
He's right there, smile at you.

God just drop to say HELLO to YOU
-who He loved so much-

Friday, November 28, 2008

November in a glance

It's hard to believe it's already end of November! And indeed, this is the most exciting month since I'm ever here in Australia.


28th Nov - House/ Bondi

Just had my very first thanksgiving dinner with the girls. It was amazing! We talked about lotsa stuff - from what we've had changed since we are here to what are we going to be like in 5 years to when last God is spoken to you, etc. It was absolutely profound moments and I enjoyed the "family-time" a lot.

Went to Bondi beach with asian friends this morning. We climb the cliff and took lots of pictures like the crazy tourists =P We don't get to go to the beach though cos it was raining..no, it's puoring!! Thank God I brought my little red umbrella - where i was been claimed not-a-women-of-faith earlier by bringing it - But anyhow I'm glad I did, at least I don't get soaked like others does.

I've learned something today - We have been taught to listen to the right voice, but somehow I find it hard especially when people around you are speaking the bad's. But it's totally depends on how you going to react and say no to the negative voice from others.

27th Nov - Sydney Convention Center

It's grad dinner (well,i'm not graduating, yet :P) So, we got to dress up and have a little prom night. It was so much fun. The food was so damn good! ..although there's something went wrong with our table that the main course start super duber late - when everybody is about to have their dessert and some of us still waiting for the main course - that's how bad it is! Anyway, besides that, it's all good. We have a little dance session, what I can say is just I had so much fun. And we took lotsa pictures, some of them are graduating and leaving Australia for good. Geez, i just can't believe how fast time travels! The most regretful thing of the night is ------------ I didn't get to take pictures with ps.Brian and Bobbie Houston & Rueben Morgan!!!!! I thought I gonna to have chance to take with them some other time since I'm not leaving Australis yet - but I just realise how stupid I was to not taking pictures with them - cos yesterday night would be the golden opportunity to take picture without feeling awkward at all (if compare seeing them in church, or conference, or backstage)!!

24th Nov - Kellyville
Starts my new job - cleaning the house!! Woohooo!!! How exciting is it - not..hehe.. but they pay is not bad - $50 for 4 hours cleaning. I suppose to be there before 10am and when I got to the bus stop, I just realised that the bus is actually coming at 10:05am ==" I'm going to be so late! Then I decided to walk 30mins to another bus stop which I know there will be have more bus going to that place. I got into the bus by 9:40 - praise the Lord!! But I missed the stop and the bus take me to another place where I need to walk another 30mins to get to the house I about to clean. And I got attacked by a bird (yes, a BIRD) on the way walking to the house. Ahhhh~~~ How great is that! One word - Nice!

23th Nov - Home(sick)
It's my Uncle wedding in Indonesia. I'm so sad that I have to miss it :( I really wish I were there spending time with my family...sob sob.. kinda home sick lately.

20th Nov - Parteeeeey

Last day of tutorial. Oh well, it doesn't like a tutorial anymore, anyways.. we have had a party instead.. hahaha! We have the secret angels pressie exchange thingy going on. So we all bought a $5 gift to exchange with someone - and they have a rule that we are actually can steal other's gift of we don't like ours. There's a guy bought a $25 DVD - all wanted it! And finally I got it - it has been stole from many people and finally I got it...hahaha... Some of them must be hated me. But who cares, somebody gotto steal it anyways :P Well, The DVD comes with a book and I give it back to the guy who bought the gift.

19th Nov - Pancakes on the Rock

Housemates day out!! Woot Woot :P We went to this panceke house in Parramatta. We all dreassed up like we are having a semi-formal dinner. For real, this is our first time going out for dinner all together. I shared Pizza and Blackforest Pancakes with Sophie. It was so the very GOOD! esp the pancekes... yum!!

And then there's something "memorable" thing happened - Kristin forgot to turn off the car head light and the battery is flat that she couldn't start her engine. We - wearing heels - pushing the car to another end to get the battary from Katelyn's car. There's some guys come around and ask how's thing going and we totally think that they are going to help. But heck no! They just came and leave us - 8 girls - standing in a petrol station all by ourselves. How's that? Aussie guys just not helpful at all >.< class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">fbook, then you should have a good laugh in how we hilarious we were.

12th Nov - Lili & Katie's farewell
One word - FUN.. Ok, three words - FUN + GOOD FOOD :P It's like a asian gathering. They cooked phenomenal indonesia food and it was really yummy. After the dinner, we sang karaoke - with lili playing the piano. We choose those songs that has translated in many languages and sang in our own language - e.g. Shout to the Lord. I think we are shouting rather than singing though.. hahaha.. and the funniest thing is all those who gone crazy singing are all NONE vocal student! The vocal students are all sitting aside and watching us - pastoral, TV & children ministry students singing like cow! Well, what can I say, we just beat the vocal students.. hahaha :P

2nd Nov - Darling Harbour

It's 25th Anniversary of Hillsong church and we have this humongous event going on at the Darling Harbour! They have a floating stage on the water and having a church service there - how COOL is that. You see thousands of people gather together worshipping God at the heart of the city. We praise and worship right besides the harbour. Man.. that was really phenomenal!!


Alright, I think that is it for the moment. Oh well.. I wanted to put some pictures to show you guys - maybe I will add it beginning of Dec when the internet goes more faster downloading pictures.

PS: I'll be moving out to a nearer and cheaper room next week. Already felt missing the house I'm living in right now *sob sob*

Saturday, November 22, 2008


时冷时热的, 我的心情也跟着上上下下。

这个月发生了很多事情 - 很多值得纪念和写下来的事情。
可能今晚放工了就要从11月2 号 开始写了……哈哈哈


*这个时候,电脑里传来了赞美之泉 的 ‘常常喜乐’这首歌……汗~*
PS: 我还是很常听中文歌的,真的。

我相信的, 你相信吗?

GO GO, 去工作了噢~

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

有些事情 封尘了 还是不要去触碰他比较好


顿然发现 是我自己的一厢情愿
其实原来 一切都已经人事已非

原来一直只有我 原地踏步
我的他们都已经 各走各路


Monday, October 13, 2008

Kidsfest + Kids Album Recording!!


I was blown away by the stage design!! They have a little runway and with BIG HUGE LCD screen!! How cool is that ek! Talking about big budget here =="

Taken from far during rehearsal.

Trying to take a picture of myself with the stage..
But the back light is too bright that i barely see myself!

It was awesome. Can't believe I'm part for it....

...as camera 5 assistant - where nothing really much to do =P
The guy behind me is the camera operator.

Camera operating at the hub.
It's a good chance for me practice on camera work and stuff.


Time flies, about a month and a half and college will be done.
What's next?
To work my a** off to get as much as I can probably.
Going to pick up Lili cleaning job on every Monday and hopefully can get a higher pay job so that not only to cover my expenses but also the loan that to be returned.
I believe God is my provider and I'm just going to trust Him.

Will be going to Tassie with Renee this coming Friday and back by Monday for Stuat engagement party.
I'm exciting about going back to the good old Tassie and get to meet some old pals.
The van Steenis is just like my another family.
Salamanca Market, Mt. Willington, Scallop Pies, Little Italy...
so many good old memory!!
Ah~~ Can't wait!!


And something very strange -
Renee keep meeting people that I know / meet in the City church!
Funny ah~

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The OZ

Firstly, they celebrate Christmas in July.
Then, they have their father day on the 1st week of September instead of 1st week of June.
And now, they have their labor day on 6th Oct instead of 1st May.

Spring in September to November
Summer in December to February
Autumn in March to May
Winter in June to August

They have their Christmas spend at beaches in bikini and Santa hat.
They bear their feet walking on street whenever they feel like it.
They have their BBQ in the afternoon.

.... Oppsie, my 30mins break is over
and I shall finish my last line with....

What's more OZ?!!
Bring it on!

Sunday, October 05, 2008


I'm learning

to be patience
to see things more positive
to appreciate
to value others
to love
to joy in any circumstances
to smile when there's no reason to
to trust my future will be brighter
to stop worrying
to not anxious
to be strong and bold
to be still

I'm still

under construction



Friday, October 03, 2008


Life here is very very very very the busy... Believe me (at least try to..ok? Haha)
And now allow me to update you what had happening for the last few weeks..Ok..We are talking about MONTH here ^^"

  • It's 2nd month of the Spring now. Today is 34 Celsius - almost same as in Malaysia..Deng it!! Well, the weather here is pretty much unpredictable..Tomorrow it down to 25 Celsius and predicted to have thunderstorm. I bought myself a red umbrella for my way to College - I just can't take it to walk under the sun for 30mins. And those ang-mo look at me like one kind - they can't wait to get tanned and they will never understand I have had too much sun for almost 27yrs in my life!

  • Last Monday we had a location shoot for a Kid Album MV on a beach and I got my arms tanned (you can't use umbrella on the beach, right?). It 's also my first time to the beach since I got here. The water is super clear and I love the fact that the sincery here is hold ur breath. Anyway the shoot was fun, and lotsa hard work too - like walking on the sands =P

  • There will have Kid Fest coming up next week. Will record some of Kid Album at the same time I reckon. And I'm on crew!! Can't wait.... as long as they don't put me on Camera 1 assistant again >.<>
  • The video editing class is finished and now we have Monday off..Yeah..But it seems like I never had anyway T___T too many thing to be done. There's heaps of never ending assessment due almost every week so I'll have my week quite packed. Anyways, suppose to start doing my assessment but end up blogging.. hehehe..
  • I now work in a Jap restaurant every Friday and Saturday, 18hour a week . Quite an experience since I never really do waitressing before. Anyway, thank God for the job that I able to pay my rent.
  • As to feed everyone interest - Yes, Leong Kam Kam is here. He has got a job in optical shop the first week he got here.. with kinda good pay also. Blessed!!! We hang out twice a week since I have class during weekdays and he is in the he live in the city and I am up the Hills (FYI, Hills is away from city 30mins drive, 1.5hour by public transport). He live in backpacker apparently and having fun sharing room with 20+ppl in a room (No worries, it's a BIG room!! I didn't torture nor bully him >.<)
  • I'll visiting Tassie again on the 17th this month for Stuart engagement party and will be back on 20th. Going to meet the old friends and most importantly able to visit the place that always has my heart on. So excited!!!!!!! Baahahaha!!!
  • We'll have Day Light Saving starts this Saturday. Meaning from Saturday onwards, we are 3 hours ahead of Malaysia instead of 2 hours..which also means LESS one hour sleep!!!!! Huhuhuhuhu T____T Who come up with those thing one har....!@#$%^&*()

Ok la, I think that's all.
Should really go back to my assessment. Need to finish 3 before I leaving to Tassie coz they due on 13th, 17th and 20th T____T Wish me luck!

And lastly, post a beach picture give u jealous jealous me.. wahahahahahahaaaaa!!!
Ciao my friends

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Last day of Winter!!!

Yeah!!!!!! Winter is comes to an end!!
Expecting warm and nice weather tomorrow onwards :)
Again, I was busy with college and assessment.
But I really enjoy the life here - busy but fruitful.

1. College
I got the chance to do the Camera 5 for the on yesterday night service!!
I was nervous but thank God that we went through the lesson on how to handle the camera last Monday (pheeeew!)
It turned out quite good where I managed to give the shots of what director wants.
It was really fun after all.

2. Malaysian Festival turn DOULOS
Today I went to the city for a Malaysian Festival with friends and I expecting to get some Malaysian food like nasi lemak ah, roti canai ah, teh tarik ah.. cincai lah whatever I can get!!
However.... :(
We didn't managed to get there (bcos of... you-know-what-reason >.<) but went to this DOULOS - a library on a ship! Well, the ship itself is pretty impressive. Was wanted to visit when I still in Malaysia but never get the chance. Now I did not plan but went eventually without knowing it.
I was sooooooooooooo hungry cos I just ate 5 little piece of cookies before I took off
(Cos I was expecting to eat in the festival T___T)
And what I remember is walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk walk =="
Then we have to be back for church before 630.
Everything is so rush.
We walk really fast and I think I'm really getting into it :P
Anyway, we were late.
We missed the P&W but thanks God we didn't miss the LIVE part.
It was so so good.. so so so so good!!!

3. Pray for the Nation with NLRC Youth
It was great pleasure to have the chance to pray with the youths back home.
What an experience - we are getting high-tech-ed!! Haha
Guys, just want you all to know that I really miss you all here.
And I'm so proud of each and everyone of you :)
Be bold be strong and live life loud!!
Love you all so much!

4. Goodbye my beloved Ex-colleagues
Last Friday was the last day for Lee Pheng & I-Lin in EM
I'm sure Michelle will miss us (yes, is US) so much!! hehe
We used to have so much fun... aiks... miss them lah >.<
Who's going to sing (shout) Mayday with me in the Karaoke??!
Who can I practice my bombastic-skill in the future??!
They have being such a blessing in my life.
Anyway, EM is now officially rules by the LEE "family".. haha


God is doing great thing here.
I'm glad that I have the chance to be part of it.
Can't stop thanking Him for what He has for me.

It's officially Spring tomorrow - Finally!!
Spring = flowers!!!!!
Can't wait ^^

PS: I'm trying to get a job here
has been giving out resume
Do remember me in your prayer hey :)

Last but not least
It's FATHER'S DAY next weekend
I know what you are thinking right now
...same here...

(this poster is on the toilet door...seems like "he" is looking at you when u wee-wee ==")

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What do I do here

It is such a long time I didn't blog..
I just got very busy with study and assessment
(oh yea, I'm good girl..shsh)

Just thought that I should have update you guys with what's happening out here..
.with pictures!!!
(cos that would save heaps of words!)

- Control Room -
Not very big but efficient enough.
Pretty much like the Studio 2 at NTV7.

- Production Desk -
There's another desk that the producer would have control
over the things like....
what a producer would do =="

- CCU (Camera Control Unit) -
I've been told we will get our hands on the machines.
But, I didn't expect that they will just throw me on right away =="
This was me doing the CCU for second time.
The first time is just horrible >.<
course I barely understand what the heck is that and what is it for.

- Multi Camera Editing -
Another most frustrated thing I've ever done - editing with Final Cut Pro >.<
We are learning how to edit on multicam.
Thank God the teacher is an expert on this,
just that he teaching a little too fast @@

- Chroma Key Church News Editing -
Learning how to use chroma key.
It was... fun...
(except for the fact that information-overloading)

Today, they allocated me to be the cameraman >.<
Another disaster T___T
I was suppose to take the shots of the speaker, meaning I have to follow his leading.
Being a first timer, I've no idea how the "camera-momentum" would like
The camera is so stiff, that I barely move it smoothly!!!
(or my hands are just kinda "malfunction")
What I heard is "head room! head room!"
And if you look on the screen, my lead is just bumpy here and there.
However, the director is kind enough to say
"Cam 2, you are doing great job!"
..where I know I'm not >.<
It has been very encouraging though
Oh~ I love bible school ^^

- Course mates -
Me, Esther (Korean), Julian (South African) & Chad (American)
They are just a bunch of nicest + funniest people!!
Know the song "Amazing Grace"?
Yea..one of them (not in the picture) nicknamed me by modified the song to
"Malaysian Grace"
I love them.

- Birthday Party @ home -
Yesterday was my housemate birthday
and we throw her a party

- Nacho with Avocado -
This is the first time I fell in love with Avocado
They are perfectly match!!!!!

- Birthday Cake + Ice Cream + Wipe Cream = Heaven -

My roommate, Mary, baked the cake
Yummy yum yum
She is from American and she's awesome!
We start to have this prayer time before we sleep
And it was really nice that she brought up that idea
It trains me up in how to pray in English where I never did before


I think I should go now too
Or else you would be ended up like me
- information overloaded -

Btw, I miss Malaysia.....FOOD!!

Saturday, August 09, 2008


还有仙女/精灵/美人鱼 (==") 在那里游来游去做背景

只不过我对中国历史的认识就实在……太好了 =="
马来西亚,加拿大, 尼泊尔, 英国, 美国,挪威
凌空跑也~ 开玩笑!
中国人, 你们很强o厚

“哇靠~ 不懂又烧了多少钱了……”

(啊~ 算了,反正不是我的钱~ 哈哈)

哎~~~~ 有谁可以救我~~~~~~

因为要加入他们的 TV Crew 服侍了
那我会觉得比较有“安全感” =="



Monday, July 28, 2008

Christmas in July

Finally the classes started.
Guess what, we only have 11 person in this intake whereas last intake is only 12 person.
We'll have class together for this semester, so the class will have 23 people.
But it's good lah, cos the class is small we get to get more closer.
And God is so good to us who came for the 2nd semester. Cos those January intake students hasn't had their Intro to TV Media until we came in.


During the weekend, I went to a Asian extension of Hillsong in another town.
And guess what, they are celebrating Christmas!!
I'm not kidding, is CHRISTMAS!!!
They called it Christmas in July :)
so that we would have Christmas in winter.
So we decorated the hall with Christmas tree and all.

I met a lot of migrated Malaysians there.
Most of the youngsters I met are born and raise up here.
I'm so glad I went so I would have this opportunity to meet a bunch of nice people who makes me really feel like HOME.

How could we celebrating Christmas without BIG meal?!?

So here we go, we have roasted pork (oh~~ heaven~~~~)

And beef, chicken, pasta, salad, sushi, blah blah blah
and nevertheless DESSERTS!!
I enjoyed the meal so so much, and get to chat with lotsa great people.

The service starts right after the dinner.
It was a great one, great worship, great message.
They sang Christmas songs too.
It was fun... imagine, we sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
Well, that is totally fine... not until the last phrase
"and a HAPPY NEW YEAR~~"
..while we all know it's only July ==

They have Santa Claus too.
Don't play play ah..
See the guy with Santa hat?
He is the Santa... in red T-shirt..
They call him Santa from Summer ==

Here is the Santa close up.
Oh yes, Malaysia he is, migrated here.

After the service, we get to mingle around and help on packing and stuff.
Then we went to one of the girl house to watch Movie.
Her house is so so BIG.
I mean it, SO SO BIG!!
They even have their mini cinema in the basement.
We watched Wedding Planner and we had so much dun together.


Although I don't know where will I be allocate to serve during weekend
(but i pretty sure would be in the main hall since they not enough people doing media)
But I'll definitely visit that church again in the future.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What a FUN enrollment day

It is the enrollment day! *YaY*
We leave home like 830 or so in the morning as we need to get to the church by 9am.
As usual, the girls are walking fast so I'm sort of left behind :P I try to walk faster.. but erm.. my feet are painful cos I was wearing the wrong shoes yesterday as I don't know got to walk A LOT >.<
So anyway, it's good to walk a little bit behind, so I got some time to pray for the day :)

We were late anyway. It's already started when we arrived.
Anyway, we didn't miss a lot though.
The enrollment went really well.
We've got our personal details updated, photo taken, student ID done and meet awesome peoples somewhere along the line.

Guess what, I finally found someone who can speaks Cantonese with me!!
My oh My~ Thank you Lord Jesus!! XD
She's Chinese from China, somewhere near to GuangDong.
So it was really great meeting her.
I also met a Malaysian girl and we found out there's only two of us are from Malaysia.
Then I get to met some Indon, Japanese and Korean.
Most of them are doing Pastoral and Worship.

:: Lunch - OZ style BBQ ::

There is lunch provided by the college. I ate 3 sausages - well, it's free, and I'm freezing cold and it makes me hungry ==" It was really nice, indeed.

Okay, here the fun part goes.
After the lunch,
the chinese girl (from China) invite us (Asians) to go to her house for a little gathering.
She is doing pastoral 2nd semester. She just thought it may be helpful for those who are new to the church, especially we asians tend to get very shy when come to making new friends.
So, we went. I though that would be me and another 3 girls who are going. And guess what...more and more people just turn up. Most of them are Korean.
We had coffee and hang out a bit to get to know each other.
We get to play some card games like Snap.. and a sophisticated Snap (this is really a FUN one, I should teach you guys how to play it one day!) and of cos some other games which I don't remember their names. We had soooooooooo much fun.

Actually, there are two aussie turned up. One girl and one boy.
They are asian too but both born in Australia.
The girl was telling us that even she is born and raise in Australia but somehow she just doesn't click with the angmos =="
We are sort of having the same problem which is - we have no common topic to talk with the angmos. And she is much more comfy when hang out with asians.
I am really surprised.

Well, anyway..it's time for bed.
Class at 9am tomorrow =="
I felt so blessed by the Lord that He brought all these great people into my life.
And I really had FUN.

Heaps of FUN :)