Friday, October 03, 2008


Life here is very very very very the busy... Believe me (at least try to..ok? Haha)
And now allow me to update you what had happening for the last few weeks..Ok..We are talking about MONTH here ^^"

  • It's 2nd month of the Spring now. Today is 34 Celsius - almost same as in Malaysia..Deng it!! Well, the weather here is pretty much unpredictable..Tomorrow it down to 25 Celsius and predicted to have thunderstorm. I bought myself a red umbrella for my way to College - I just can't take it to walk under the sun for 30mins. And those ang-mo look at me like one kind - they can't wait to get tanned and they will never understand I have had too much sun for almost 27yrs in my life!

  • Last Monday we had a location shoot for a Kid Album MV on a beach and I got my arms tanned (you can't use umbrella on the beach, right?). It 's also my first time to the beach since I got here. The water is super clear and I love the fact that the sincery here is hold ur breath. Anyway the shoot was fun, and lotsa hard work too - like walking on the sands =P

  • There will have Kid Fest coming up next week. Will record some of Kid Album at the same time I reckon. And I'm on crew!! Can't wait.... as long as they don't put me on Camera 1 assistant again >.<>
  • The video editing class is finished and now we have Monday off..Yeah..But it seems like I never had anyway T___T too many thing to be done. There's heaps of never ending assessment due almost every week so I'll have my week quite packed. Anyways, suppose to start doing my assessment but end up blogging.. hehehe..
  • I now work in a Jap restaurant every Friday and Saturday, 18hour a week . Quite an experience since I never really do waitressing before. Anyway, thank God for the job that I able to pay my rent.
  • As to feed everyone interest - Yes, Leong Kam Kam is here. He has got a job in optical shop the first week he got here.. with kinda good pay also. Blessed!!! We hang out twice a week since I have class during weekdays and he is in the he live in the city and I am up the Hills (FYI, Hills is away from city 30mins drive, 1.5hour by public transport). He live in backpacker apparently and having fun sharing room with 20+ppl in a room (No worries, it's a BIG room!! I didn't torture nor bully him >.<)
  • I'll visiting Tassie again on the 17th this month for Stuart engagement party and will be back on 20th. Going to meet the old friends and most importantly able to visit the place that always has my heart on. So excited!!!!!!! Baahahaha!!!
  • We'll have Day Light Saving starts this Saturday. Meaning from Saturday onwards, we are 3 hours ahead of Malaysia instead of 2 hours..which also means LESS one hour sleep!!!!! Huhuhuhuhu T____T Who come up with those thing one har....!@#$%^&*()

Ok la, I think that's all.
Should really go back to my assessment. Need to finish 3 before I leaving to Tassie coz they due on 13th, 17th and 20th T____T Wish me luck!

And lastly, post a beach picture give u jealous jealous me.. wahahahahahahaaaaa!!!
Ciao my friends


  1. jealous wat..
    i go kepong last week hor!
    u 'seems' relay bz la..
    bz popek, bz take pic, bz main,
    bz siam the sun,
    bz learning. good.

    yearn for the life like this..
    show me ur work nex time=p

  2. waaa.. go kepong so far ah??
    Sorry lo... my turn to jealous u tim XD bahahaha work how to take pic oh.. me very pro one OK~~~ tsk tsk tsk
    aiya..i yearn the life like urs too la...can see many artistes wa....go here eat abit go there eat abit...fat lo... hahahahahaha XP

    5d come visit me!!!

  3. wah... ur daisies photo shoot very nice... but bit glaring too cos of the sun.. nice nice

  4. hehe.. thanks thanks... i using hp to take one.. so quality ma-ma-dei ga lah.. hahaha =P
